Targa West announces Healthway sponsorship to help smokers quit
Targa West is pleased to announce Healthway has extended support as major sponsor of the Targa West rally events for the next two years, promoting the Quit message.
“We are pleased the sport of rallying has been chosen to advocate for living a healthy, active lifestyle, and as promoters of the important Quit smoking message,” said Targa West Director, Ross Tapper.
“People who are new to motorsport are surprised by the high level of fitness required to compete, particularly in rally where the stages are long and demanding and you can’t afford to get fatigued.
“Due to the growing popularity of tarmac rallying in Western Australia, our event’s portfolio has increased this year to four Targa events: Targa South West, Targa Bunbury Sprint, Targa West and Targa City Sprint. We’re excited to announce all four events will promote the Quit message and they will also be completely smoke free.”
Healthway is a state government agency which promotes a healthy lifestyle for Western Australians.
Healthway’s Acting Executive Director, Maree De Lacey, said that smoking remains the biggest single cause of preventable death and disease in the community.
“Healthway’s aim in supporting the Targa West rally events is to continue to encourage smokers to quit and to create smoke free environments,” De Lacey said.
Quit Targa South West will kick-off the Targa season, which will see competitors participate in a two-day rally program on closed roads through the Manjimup and Pemberton regions on 21 – 22 May.
“Quit Targa South West is an event suited to all levels of motorsport experience. We get everyone from the tarmac rally novice competing in their daily drive, to the serious competitor with the purpose built rally car. There’s fantastic camaraderie between all competitors, the experienced and the rookies,” Tapper said.
“With stages close to the centre of Manjimup and Pemberton, the event is also a fantastic opportunity for motorsport enthusiasts to experience the rally action.”
The 2016 Targa West Rally Calendar
Quit Targa South West, Manjimup & Pemberton: 21 – 22 May
Targa Bunbury Sprint: 26 June
Quit Targa West, Perth and Surrounds: 11 – 14 August
Targa City Sprint: 14 August
To be kept up to date with Targa West events, please see www.targawest.com.au and like www.facebook.com/targawest
For assistance on quitting smoking, please see www.quitnow.gov.au.